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Bitrix24 is one of the most popular CRM systems. Suvvy is integrated with it and can:
Respond to client messages (the channel the message came from does not matter)
Move a deal through the pipeline, specifically changing pipelines and statuses within it
Retrieve information from deal and contact fields
Fill in deal fields with information obtained from the client's dialogue
To connect Suvvy to Bitrix24, you need to go to the Channels section within the bot and enter the Bitrix24 channel:
In the opened window, the steps for connecting the bot are described:
Below, we will go through it step by step.
Log in to Bitrix24
Go to the menu Applications/For developers -> Add chat-bot -> Transfer message from chat to bot:
If this section is missing, it means you lack sufficient rights, and you need to log in under an Administrator account or obtain the necessary permissions.
Copy the webhook from the "Webhook for calling rest api" field and paste it into the URL field within our personal account:
On Bitrix24's side in the Creating a bot block, add the bot's name (this is how it will sign when communicating with clients, any name can be set):
In the field URL of the bot handler* paste the webhook, previously copied on Suvvy's side:
Select the bot type: Chat bot for "Open lines":
Uncheck Outgoing web-hook:
In the "Rights setup" section, select rights "CRM", "Creating and managing Chat-bots", "Open lines", "Chat and notifications", "Message service", "Drive":
Then the chat bot will be available in the menu Applications/For developers -> Integrations:
Go to the menu CRM --> Integrations (on the top panel) --> Messengers:
Choose the channel you use and select "Open line" in it:
In the "Channel setup" section, click SETUP:
In the opened menu, choose the Chat-bots section.
Check "Assign the chat-bot as responsible when a client contacts":
Select the created chat-bot and configure its behavior according to the image below. Click "SAVE":
When to connect the chat-bot - if you need the bot to catch the dialogue immediately, we recommend setting At the beginning of each new conversation.
How soon to transfer the conversation from the chat-bot to the queue - you can set any time, but if you want the manager to receive information about the dialogue as quickly as possible, it's better to set it to 1 minute.
When to disconnect the chat-bot - we always recommend setting After the conversation ends, otherwise, when the dialogue is transferred to the manager, even before they connect to the dialogue, the bot will stop responding.
Click the "Connect" button on Suvvy's side:
Bot responses: Disabled / Disabled - this setting controls whether the bot should respond to incoming messages or not. Sometimes, after the connection is made, it's necessary to stop the bot's operation for some time, and this switch allows you to do just that.
Resume dialogue for new chats - within Bitrix24, it can close each chat at the end of dialogue with a client. And since often the interruption of dialogue is set if a staff member intervenes, when opening a new dialogue, the bot might not respond because the dialogue with this client was previously interrupted. This setting allows new dialogues to start again on behalf of the bot, even if it was previously interrupted.
Mark the dialogue as unread after the bot's response - to not lose dialogues where the bot communicates, you can set this parameter, and in Bitrix they will be marked as unread.
On the first tab Funnels and statuses, you can specify in which funnels and statuses the bot will respond, and in which not.
If funnels or statuses are not chosen - it will respond in all by default.
The Deal filling section is responsible for filling in the deal fields.
Allow the bot to fill in the budget means that the bot can fill in the budget field of the deal. With this toggle on, we can additionally describe to the bot in a more understandable language what this field means for the company, so it can better navigate when filling it in.
Allow the bot to fill in the card - this is another toggle that activates the function. Since any such action inevitably increases the cost of dialogue, as all information about these planned actions is passed to the model, by default, this toggle is turned off.
If you specified fields for the bot to fill in, to make it understand it needs to fill in the card, write the following text in the general instruction:
Fill in the client's card as you receive answers from them.
Do not select too many fields, choose only the most necessary ones as each field is tokens that will be passed to the model, increasing the cost of dialogue.
The Information from the deal section allows Suvvy to know the values of selected fields from the deal. This can be useful when Suvvy needs to understand the context of the deal and some data about it to use this information in the context of the conversation.
Additionally specifying something in the general instruction is not necessary in this case, as it automatically fills when selected fields are chosen.
Do not choose too many fields, choose only the most necessary ones as each field is tokens that will be passed to the model, increasing the cost of dialogue.
After connecting Bitrix24 and Suvvy, an additional Actions in amoCRM tab appears inside the knowledge base files:
In this section, there are three blocks:
Change of status - here you can select a funnel and a status to which the current deal status will change when this knowledge base file is triggered.
Card filling - this is a possibility to set a fixed value for a specific field, when this knowledge base file is triggered.
Tag setting - this is a possibility to set a specific tag for the deal, when this knowledge base file is triggered.