Notifications from Suvvy
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Suvvy can send you alerts in various situations, such as:
Low balance / Balance running low
A specific file / action was triggered (as specified in the personal account)
Channel status changed
Error occurred while performing an action / retrieving a spreadsheet or large file from Google / responding in a channel
and others..
In this case, you can connect Suvvy alerts in Telegram
All done!
For example, we want a live person to join the chat at the client's request.
To do this, we create a file in the Knowledge Base called "Call a manager" and enable "Notifications in Telegram."
This is needed so that the notification includes information about this file being triggered.
To have a live person join the chat, we need to interrupt the bot's responses, otherwise, the bot will continue to reply. To do this, we enable the "Interrupt dialogue" setting:
Here's how it will look in the chat:
We ask the bot to call a manager
Meanwhile, in the Suvvy Alerts bot, we received the following Notification:
Thus, Suvvy Alerts allow you to always stay informed when a certain file is triggered during a client conversation!